Squiz The World!

Each week we give the world globe a spin, and see where we land. Then we take the kids of Australia on an audio excursion to visit that country and its people. A new episode is released every Wednesday.

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Squiz the World goes to… Russia

Strap yourselves into the Squiz Kids Super Fast Supersonic Jetliner as we take off and take a squiz at Russia.

Squiz The World is an audio excursion to a new country each week. Learn about the culture, geography, history, politics and language of our fellow humans — with activities to extend understanding.


Squiz the World goes to… Taiwan

August 8, 2023

Today on Squiz the World we’re visiting a country that the majority of world governments haven’t officially recognised as its own country. Let’s travel to Taiwan to learn more about the islands’ politics, people, and stinky tofu.

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Squiz the World goes to… Uruguay

July 25, 2023

It’s the second smallest country in South America, with the world’s longest national anthem, a free laptop for every kid, and a rockstar reputation for soccer. Let’s strap ourselves into the Squiz Kids Super Fast Supersonic Jetliner so that we can take off and take a squiz at Uruguay.

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Squiz the World goes to… Indonesia

July 11, 2023

Today we’re visiting one of our closest neighbours—Indonesia. It’s only about 200km across the Torres Strait .. where there are some pretty big sharks and crocs … from Australia. But the northernmost part of Indonesia is thousands of kilometres away. That’s because Indonesia is the world’s biggest archipelagic country. It’s also to the world’s most populous Islamic country. Let’s learn what those two words mean, and much more!

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Squiz the World goes to… The Torres Strait Islands

July 5, 2023

It’s NAIDOC week from July 3 to July 10—and the “I” in NAIDOC stands for Islanders. So put on your sunscreen, get your fishing tackle ready, and strap yourselves in as we take off and take a squiz at the Torres Strait Islands…

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Squiz the World goes to… India

June 28, 2023

It’s one of the oldest civilisations in the world, the biggest democracy in the world, AND the second most populous country.

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Squiz the World goes to… Vietnam

June 21, 2023

If you love noodle soups and spicy sandwiches, you’re already a fan of Vietnamese cuisine. But there’s so much more to know about this country of 96 million people…

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Squiz the World goes to… Sri Lanka

June 14, 2023

Sri Lanka is a beautiful and culturally rich nation that has been in the news lately because its people are FED UP. There have been huge protests against the fact that the country’s economic system has collapsed. There are shortages of food, fuel, medicine … and what is available is incredibly expensive. But as we always say, a country is more than what you hear in the news. Let’s go to Sri Lanka!

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Squiz the World goes to… Portugal

June 7, 2023

We celebrate Portugal Day on June 10 with a look at how Portugal once ruled the sea; why it still rules big wave surfing; and the secret behind its nuns’ and monks’ amazing pastries.

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Squiz the World goes to… Kenya

May 31, 2023

This East African country is famous for its long distance runners, animal migrations, jumping warriors, and sadly, overcrowded schools. Strap yourselves into the Squiz Kids Super Fast Supersonic Jetliner as we head off to Africa and take a squiz at Kenya.

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Squiz the World goes to… Jamaica

May 24, 2023

We are packing our sunscreen, putting on our dancing shoes, and heading to the island of Jamaica… just in time to celebrate this Caribbean country’s 60th anniversary of independence. Quick! Strap yourselves into the Squiz Kids Super Fast Supersonic Jetliner so we can take off and have a party in Jamaica.

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